What Does the Texas Tech Shooting Mean for Campus Carry?

Texas Tech Campus Carry

Many of you have likely heard of the October 9th shooting at Texas Tech, which left one police officer dead and an entire student body shocked and disgusted. What you might not have heard yet, is that some folks are trying to blame this shooting on Texas’ Campus Carry law, well let’s just see if these critiques of the law even tread water.

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Campus Concealed Carry Debate Heats Up Odessa

Photo courtesy of  utsystem.edu On August 24th The University of Texas of the Permian Basin (UTPB) in Odessa will return to classes, and for the first time, students and faculty will be allowed, to carry a gun into campus buildings. The new law, SB 11, passed through the state legislation last summer and went into…

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University of Houston Administration Panics Over Campus Carry

The world of academics has surprised me once again. Despite no incidents of students attacking fellow students with their concealed guns; or students attacking professors during office hours in any of the states that have allowed campus carry for decades; the University of Houston still believes its a serious risk. Recently in a faculty training…

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