Sex Toys in Full Use During University of Texas Anti-Campus Carry Protest

UT Campus Carry Protest

Photo courtesy of Yahoo News

Following the recent campus carry ruling in Texas, it is now okay to bring concealed carry handguns into University of Texas at Austin classrooms. This is common knowledge by this point, as the debate has been raging for over a year. Now, a new player has entered the fold as angry students and faculty are fighting back with dildos.

Wednesday was the first day of school at the University of Texas, and the group Gun Free UT marked the occasion with a “Cocks Not Glocks” rally on campus. Protesters planned to bring more than 4,000 free dildos to give away at the protest.

“We’re fighting absurdity with absurdity,” activist Ana López told the paper.

So on Wednesday, hundreds of students turned up to receive free dildos from protesters and support the cause of keeping concealed carry guns off of campus. The crowds got so big at one point that activists were throwing boxes of sex toys into large groups of people.

The dildos were the centerpiece of the attention, but many students and faculty have serious concerns about the new gun policy.

“I’m gonna feel way less safe,” sophomore Bianca Montgomery said. “You shouldn’t have to wonder if your classmates are carrying concealed weapons right next to you. You come here to learn, you don’t come here to fear for your life.”

But Texas’s new campus carry law is now officially in place. The law went into effect on August 1, and a lawsuit by three professors failed to stop it when it was overruled by a federal judge on Tuesday, and there are no other planned legal proceedings in the pipeline. However, students are planning on continuing to exercise their 1st amendment rights about prohibiting others 2nd amendment rights.

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