Posts Tagged ‘Houston Shooting’
Houston Mother and Children Team Up to Take Down Abusive Father
A Houston man is no longer a threat to his former family following a violent attempt at abusing his wife in front of his children. Thankfully for the victim, not only was she ready and willing to take action, but her young children were as well.
Read MoreHouston Woman Shoots and Kills Husband in Self-Defense
Domestic violence is still sadly prevalent in the United States in this day and age, but every so often rather than the tragedy of a string of abuse going unanswered a woman will defend herself and show that she will not put up with being consistently assaulted.
Read MoreHouston Woman Welcomes Home Invader with Gunshot to Head
As we have said time and time again on, breaking into a home in gun-adoring Texas is always a recipe for a very bad day. An incident in Houston Texas between a woman and a home invading teenager is more proof of that statement.
Read MoreRetired Marine Stops Robbery Attempt in Harris County
There are two groups in the world that are not seen as particularly smart decision makers as a whole: teenagers and criminals. So when the two are combined, you can imagine that the decisions they make may be pretty bad. Like the decision to attempt to rob a retired Marine. Yeah. Pretty bad. The incident…
Read MoreJUSTIFIED: Houston Man Stops Assault with his Pistol
A Houston man has become the hero of his neighborhood after he came to the rescue when his relatives next door were tied up and assaulted during a home invasion.
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