Free eBook and Weekly Survival Articles
Readers, as you know our site is focused on firearm training and education. Our content focuses on everything related to guns. That said, since we are also passionate about survival generally speaking, back in 2007 we started a weekly eNewsletter featuring safety and survival tips. Over the years thousands of different people have been receiving our survival tips via email.
Recently a few people started to ask why they can’t also find those articles on our website. Based on that common request, we have decided that starting next week we will be publishing our weekly survival articles on the website in additional to sending them via email to those who are subscribed.
Also, as a way of “bringing everyone up to speed” we have compiled all of the past articles we have written and published them as a digital book called “Survive Anything.” This book is available for free to any member of our website. Just login and look at the bottom of your profile page in order to access it.
Topics include:
- The techniques the professionals use to pick locks and handcuffs in a matter of a few seconds using tools you already have around the house
- How to hotwire a car, lose a tail, avoid being carjacked, and escape a car going under the water
- How to survive terrorist attacks, fires, and crashes on an airplane. Top security tips and action plans for hotels, taxis, buses, restaurants, sports stadiums, boats, and elevators
- Keep hackers (and the NSA) from listening to your conversations while getting the top tricks to recording your conversations and phone calls to protect your own skin
- How to turn your home into a fortress with security cameras, pick-proof locks, hidden safes, panic rooms, emergency food and water storage and anything else needed to bunker down or escape
- Plus complete chapters on First Aid, Holiday Specific security procedures, Firearm Safety, Modern Survival for Children, Outdoor Survival, Survival Kits and Caches, Ham radio licensing and the top tricks for getting out when SHTF
Thank you to all who have been long time subscribers to our emails… even long before we had a website.
Moving forward you can look forward to a survival related article every Wednesday here on our site.