Too Many Places that Prohibit Guns?
This is one part in our series of articles about reasons why those with a concealed carry permit stop carrying concealed. Please visit this introductory post to learn more about this series of articles.
Some people say that they don’t carry their concealed firearm because there are too many places that prohibit firearms. If you have found that a large number of the places you go prohibit you from bringing your firearm please review these potential suggestions:
- Consult with a local criminal defense attorney who is versed in firearm law about the potential legal and civil ramifications in your state should you chose to ignore these prohibitions. You might find that a lot of the places that prohibit firearms (like private businesses) don’t have much teeth in terms of potential criminal or civil liability and thus it could be worth ignoring those prohibitions
- Also ask your attorney about your rights in your state to store a firearm in your vehicle when you go to places that prohibit firearms. You may find that your state law allows you to keep your firearm in your car regardless of the property owners prohibitions
- It may be time to shop, dine, and recreate elsewhere. It is likely that some of these no gun zones have competitors that are not too far down the road who would allow you to defend yourself. Shop elsewhere and be sure to inform the management of the no gun zone business that you have chosen to take your business to their competitor
- If you are a student who visits a college campus that prohibits concealed carry you need to create a habit of carrying concealed when you aren’t headed to the classroom. Weekends, visits home, and any other chance to carry concealed off campus can help you keep the habit and be safe. After all, you won’t be in school forever.
Also, please take the time to reference our business directory to see if these businesses you have encountered are listed in our “Gun Free Zones” section. If not, please take a few moments to add them to our directory for the benefit of others who live and carry in your area.