Husband and Wife Team Engage Intruder
According to Huston police, Pastor Jeff Powers of United Methodist Church and his wife defended their home from an intruder Saturday night at around 11:00 p.m. near River Oaks.
The couple told officers they had been asleep when they were awakened by a loud noise coming from their back yard. When they got up to investigate, they realized their backyard gate was wide open, then spotted 24-year-old Roberto Sanchez.
Sanchez then began to kick in the back door and gained entry to Pastor Powers home.
But the couple had already armed themselves and where prepared. Both engaged the threat in their home.
According to a statement released by HPD,
“The suspect then forced his way and gained entry into the residence. The residents, in fear for their lives, discharged their firearms several times, striking the suspect.”
Powers and his wife then went outside and placed their weapons on the ground and awaited the arrival of police. After the scene was secured, HFD firefighters confirmed Sanchez had died at the scene.
Both weapons used in the shooting were recovered at the scene and detectives say surveillance footage from a nearby home captured Sanchez walking down the street and even the shooting itself.
Law enforcement officials say charges against the couple are not likely, but the case has been referred to a grand jury for review.
Powers was to give his last sermon at United Methodist Church the very next day before taking employment at another church.
Home defense is more effective with a team. Make sure your partner is up to speed on the plan for dealing with an intruder and get them involved.
Get the best tactics for surviving ambushes at the door of your home with the Door Ambush Course.
What do you think of this couple’s response to an intruder? Leave a comment below to let me know.
They did good. Someone kicking in your door constitutes a deadly force situation. They have no right to be there and there intentions are obviously bad.
good job