Man Protects Wife from “Juggers”
An attempted robbery of a man and his wife in the parking lot of a Randall’s store located in Katy, Texas, was thwarted when the husband pulled out a gun and shot both attackers.
The couple was returning to their vehicle at around 2:30 p.m. to load groceries, when a black Cadillac SUV pulled into the space in front of them.
Two men then exited and approached the couple, one man drawing a gun and demanding the woman’s purse.
According to police, her husband pulled out a gun and fired 4 bullets striking at least one of the men, who immediately returned to their vehicle and fled the scene, only to crash the SUV some distance away.
Both men then fled on foot. The driver, who was shot in the shoulder, attempted to reach help at a nearby fire station where he collapsed. He was transported to the hospital for treatment but expected to survive.
The whereabouts of the other suspect (described as a black male approximately 5’4” in his late teens early 20s), is unknown at this time and he remains at large.
According to Police the suspects were “Juggers”, a type of criminal who watches people leave a bank, then follows the victims to rob them at their first stop.
The couple had left a nearby bank earlier before going grocery shopping but did not extract any money.
This fact was unknown to the suspects, who followed them to the Randall’s, and waited for them to return to their car before the ambush was sprung.
Staying alert when you are out in town (or at home for that matter) is essential to good self-defense.
Paying attention to your surroundings and listening to the voice in your head telling you something is wrong, can keep you out of a surprising amount of trouble.
This is especially important in areas of easy access which allows for the ambush to be sprung quickly, and also allows for a quick escape after completing the crime. Like a parking lot.
What do you think of this “Jugger” shooting? How do you keep your edge when running errands? Let us know in the comments below.