Dallas Woman Shoots Carjacker Attempting to Steal Vehicle with Her Children Inside

Dallas Texas DGU

A Dallas mother was faced with one of the most fearsome moments a parent could be a part of on the 4th of July, as a carjacker attempted to steal her car with her two young children inside.

The incident occurred at a Dallas Shell gas station on Interstate 35 near Camp Wisdom Road at around 10:00 PM as Michelle Booker-Hicks, the mother of our story, along with her 2 and 4-year-old sons pulled into the station in order to get fuel.

As Booker-Hicks went into the Shell station in order to pay for the fuel, 36-year-old Ricky Wright made his way to Booker-Hicks car, and with her children still inside attempted to take the car for his own.

Booker-Hicks was already finished with her quick transaction and was making her way back out to the car as she saw Wright attempting his theft. At this point, Michelle knew that she had to act quickly to not just save the family car, but the family itself.

So what did Michelle do? She made a mad dash for the luckily still parked vehicle, managing to get to her glove box. Upon opening it, Booker-Hicks was also able to retrieve her handgun that she kept within.

What happened next is best to hear directly from the source, Michelle Booker-Hicks herself who gladly gave an interview regarding her experience.

“I proceeded to jump in my backseat and told the gentleman to stop, to get out the car. He would not get out of the car. He turned around and looked at me. I reached over the armrest to get my glove compartment and that’s when I fired at him once I got the gun from my glove compartment,”

Police reports state that Booker-Hicks’ shot struck Ricky Wright in the face, causing the man to give up his attempt to take the car. Police and emergency crews were quickly on the scene to simultaneously put Ricky Wright into custody as well as transport him to the nearest hospital for treatment of his wounds. At the time of writing this article, Wright remains in medical care.

As for Michelle and her family, they are luckily safe and sound following her heroics, but a question for all of you carriers reading this, do you think Michelle made a mistake by not having her gun on her, instead keeping it in the glove box of her car? Let us know your thoughts on the matter in the comments below.


  1. Carl on July 8, 2018 at 12:33 am

    Yes, cause anyone could have got to her gun. But did the right thing in protecting her and her families lives

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