El Paso Texas CHL / LTC Course on January 8th, 2022


This El Paso concealed carry class qualifies the student to apply for the Texas State License to Carry (LTC/CHL). The class will be held on Saturday January 8th. 24 hours advance registration required. Other details about the class location, content, and answers to other common questions are below. To register please add to cart or call us at the number above.

PLUS Now Receive A $185 Bonus When You Sign-up! Details Below.

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About the Texas Concealed Carry Class:

Only this one class is required to obtain your Texas CHL.

The Class includes EVERYTHING needed to apply:

  • The classroom portion involves four to six hours of instruction by our Texas concealed handgun instructor certified by the DPS.
  • The course curriculum covers:
    • Laws related to weapons and the use of deadly force
    • Handgun use and safety
    • Non-violent dispute resolution
    • Safe storage of handguns
    • The classroom instruction concludes with a 25-question exam. The applicant must score 70 percent or better to pass.
  • The shooting proficiency test follows the classroom section of the class. The test involves 50 shots at timed intervals at a B-27 target at distances of 3, 7 and 15 yards.  The B-27 target is roughly the size of a human silhouette.  Scoring is based on the combat system and passing is 70 percent (175 points out of a possible 250).  Eighty percent of the shots are taken at 3 and 7 yards; so, it is possible to pass the test with no score at the 15-yard distance.  It is not a difficult test.   However, passing the test does requires the student to demonstrate reasonable shooting ability, safe gun handling and familiarity with loading and safety procedures. (Additional detail here)

Please note you do NOT need to own/have a gun to take this class. You may borrow one from our instructor.

*Classes may be canceled if a minimum of two students do not sign up. If that happens we will do everything possible to find an agreeable substitute date for you.

*Military and Veteran discount available for those actively serving or honorably discharged from the US Military. Please contact us via phone or email to receive your military discount.


When you sign up for this class today you will immediately receive a coupon pack valued at $185. Coupons provide discounts up to $25 on various industry proven products that you will probably need anyway. Products include: Gun law books and videos, training pistols, holsters, gun cleaning products, gun safes and cases, training tools, hearing protection, and more. Click here for more details.

About the Concealed Carry Instructor:

Tom Fenton is a long time member and business owner in the community of El Paso Texas. As is required to teach the Texas Concealed Handgun License class, Tom is a NRA Certified Pistol Instructor as well as a Texas DPS Certified CHL instructor. Also Tom is a competitive shooter competing in Cowboy Action, Five Stand, Skeet and Sporting Clays. Tom is a graduate of the FBI Citizens Academy with sessions in El Paso, Washington, D.C. and Quantico.  He also is a graduate of the U.S. Marshals Citizens Academy and recently has completed the NRA Defensive Pistol Course.

How Do You Register For the Class:

We require pre-registration for our classes. Please click the “Add to the Cart” button above to make your payment or call us to register over the phone.

Where is the Class Located?:

This class involves both classroom and live firing modules and thus will in part be help in our classroom and at a local gun range. Learn more about our downtown El Paso CHL location here. We do not publish the exact address of the CHL courses online because pre-registration is required to reserve your seat so we can control the exact number of attendees. The exact address is emailed /given to students who register online or by phone.

How Do I Apply For My CCW License After the Class?

After the class, you will walk out with a class completion certificate signed by the instructor. From there you just need to visit your county sheriff’s office and apply. Don’t worry. We’ll give you detailed instructions and set you up before you leave the class.

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What Do Tom’s Students Say About His Class?

Thank you for the info I really appreciate you looking into that for me I’m definitely recommending you to him for his and his wife’s class.

Thanks again for everything

Me and my girlfriend had an awesome experience. Our instructor Tom was very knowledgeable and made us all feel very comfortable in the training environment while making us understand the importance of the course. Would definitely recommend to others!

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